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Residential & Mixed use

Redefine residential living through innovative and sustainable energy solutions. As a trusted partner for residential and mixed-use developers, we understand the unique demands of creating homes that are not only comfortable but also environmentally conscious. Explore how our tailored solutions pave the way for a greener, more efficient future in residential development.

Elevating Living Spaces with Sustainable Heating


Geo Exchange technology revolutionises ground source heat pump systems, bringing a wealth of benefits to Residential and Mixed use developments.

Reduce primary energy consumption

Exceed carbon targets

Deliver long term sustainability

Multiple deployment options

Enhance green credentials

Optimise energy costs for tenants

Deploy on space constrained sites


Harnessing the Earth's thermal energy

The Geo-exchange approach allows ultra low carbon heating and cooling networks to be deployed on almost any residential development site. Best in class energy performance ensures carbon targets are achieved whist delivering affordable clean energy to homeowners and tenants.

Ultra low carbon heating


Our borehole arrays can support heat pumps deployed in centralised energy centres or distributed across individual units. Centralised options deliver final grade heat to heat interface units located in each property. Decentralised options deploy an ambient loop which

supplies smaller heat pumps in each property giving homeowners choice over their energy supplier and reducing credit risk for network owners.

Centralised or decentralised options


Our boreholes require up to 90x less surface space than traditional 

ground source heating systems,. Geo-exchange can be deployed on sites where surface space is at a premium or developers wish to preserve available space for future development. 

Space constrained sites


Geo-exchange can minimise the primary energy used to deliver heating and cooling. Minimising utility costs and delivering affordable energy for homeowners and tenants.

Minimise energy consumption


Minimising primary energy consumption means less carbon for each unit of heat delivered. Geo-exchange ensures carbon targets are met and exceeded

Exceed carbon targets


Geo-exchange solutions deliver infrastructure which can be leveraged for years to come and perform favourably in full lifecycle cost assesments against other sustainable heating options. 

Long term sustainability


What We Do

Each engagement starts by working to understand your project. Our team use a proven approach to determine the specific requirements of your building or network including existing systems, energy demand profiles, potential waste heat recovery options, geological conditions and space constraints

Site Evaluation


We work with you to produce a concept design and associated cost models, outlining the upfront costs, ongoing operating expenses and potential savings. The models includes estimates for site preparation, drilling, heat pump installation & network infrastructure.

Feasibility & Cost Modeling


Our engineers design the Geo-Exchange system and network to meet your specific requirements. The design process consider factors such as energy efficiency, system reliability, resilience, maintenance, monitoring and cost optimisation.

Project Design


We help clients navigate the funding process, including securing grants, loans, and other forms of financing to secure a tailored financial solutions that can help improve the project's viability.



We are responsible for the project delivery, from drilling the boreholes to installing the heat pumps and distribution system. We can work as principal contractor or within your project supply chain to ensure the project is completed to the highest standards.



Once the system or network is operational, we offer a range of solutions to ensure the expected results are achieved. This can range from monitoring and alerting through to full system and performance management. 

Operation & Management


At BMD Renewables, we believe that sustainable living begins with innovative and efficient energy solutions.


Join us in creating residential developments that not only provide comfort and efficiency for residents but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. Together, let's redefine residential living for the modern era.

A greener future

Our experienced professionals will guide you through an initial consultation to understand your specific needs and requirements. Whether you are a part of the food retail industry, residential development, university, or any other sector, we tailor our approach to suit your unique challenges and objectives.


Following a comprehensive assessment, we collaborate with you to design a customised plan, encompassing everything from funding options to the implementation of cutting-edge technology.

How to start

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